Time to SHINE

August 04, 2021
  • Bob Chapman
  • Bob Chapman
    CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller

For obvious reasons last year, 在一次鼓舞人心的欧洲之旅之后,我的面对面演讲计划戛然而止.

Thanks to the miracles of modern technology, 我能够继续在虚拟圆桌会议和演讲中分享“真正的人类领导力”的信息. 我能够对许多不同的听众讲话,我很感激有这个机会.

In the last part of this year, 我将回到一些会议上亲自发言. One of which is the SHINE Summit at Harvard in November. From their website:

人类从未面临过工作场所如此迅速的变化.  这种前所未有的转变带来了一个难得的机会,可以重新想象工作的意义,重新设计工作场所, 加强对人类健康和福祉的支持.

Join us for deep explorations, provocative conversations, 以及以研究为基础的战略会议,讨论人道的工作和就业意味着什么, the human impacts of work, the power of caring for employees, trust and transparency, flourishing, compassion, and happiness at work, 如何重新定义企业的人与健康战略, 以及今天成为一个康复组织意味着什么.


Here are a few of my notes, 包括我经常引用的一些统计数据,从大流行前的“工作场所状况”基线开始. 你可以点击每一点来查看引用,并阅读我在这个博客上更详细地探讨这个问题的地方:

所有这些观点,听过我演讲的人都很熟悉, read my book or regularly read this blog. 但这是我为SHINE峰会准备信息时的想法大纲, 我希望这一信息能在出席会议的许多有尊严的发言者中脱颖而出.

I truly believe that when we teach our business/organizational leaders that their primary responsibility is to give those in their care a grounded sense of hope for the future; when we create an environment where people can bring their gifts, develop their gifts, and share their gifts so they return home each night knowing that who they are and what they do matters; and when our team members feel cared for, they will naturally care for others! 这种未来工作愿景的基础是以移情倾听为中心的技能, 认可和庆祝以及为他人服务的文化.

I believe this world is possible. I believe Truly Human Leadership is the key. 我希望SHINE峰会是一个思想上的突破. 现在是时候传达推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的信息并做出巨大的改变.

当我进一步发展我的信息和想法时,我请求你的帮助. When this post is shared on LinkedIn and Facebook,评论并给出你对这个讨论的想法. 让我听听你认为遗漏的或相关的观点. 如果你对SHINE峰会感兴趣,你可以找到参与信息 HERE.

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